At the face of it the syllabus for BI 7.0 version certification: C_TBW45_70 is entirely different - notice the different course codes - from the BI 7.3 version certification exams - which are C_TBW55_73 (BackEnd BW) and C_TBI30_73 (FrontEnd BI-Reporting). Also BI 7.3 has introduced BODI and BO parts to it's curriculum. Looks like it has also reduced BW material a lot.
Q1. BW 7.3 may have significantly changed with introduction of HANA database under the hood of BW, but fundamentally BW7.3 should be the same as BW 7.0, so why such a drastic change in the syllabus of both the exams?
Q2, Is it true that BW7.0 certification exam C_TBW45_70 has more extensive coverage of BW concepts than C_TBW60_74 certification exam
Q3. For a person certified in C_TBW45_70, does he have to undertake all additional courses of C_TBW55_73 to get certified for BW 7.3. That's like prepairing everything afreash.
Q4. For a person certified in C_TBW45_70, does he have to prepair for both certifications C_TBW55_73 and C_TBI30_73 to get certified in BW7.3
C_TBW45_70 Coverage
TBW10: BW Enterprise Data Warehousing
TBW20: BI Reporting & Query Design
TBW41: BI Extraction with UDI & XI & APD
TBW42: BI Advanced Enterprise Data Warehousing & Reporting
TBW45: BI Integrated Planning
--Notice how fundamentally different the coverage of C_TBW55_73 is from C_TBW45_70. Looks like SAP has reduced BW coverage in BW7.3 certification to compensate for BO and BODS.
C_TBW55_73 Coverage:
TBW10: BW Enterprise Data Warehousing
TBW30: BW Modelling & Implementation
TBW50: BW Data Acquisition
TBW55: SAP Business Objects Reporting Clients & information
BOE315: SAP BO Enterprise XI 3.0/ XI 3.1 Administration
BODS15: SAP Business Objects Data Integration 4.0
C_TBI30_73 Coverage:
TBI10: BW Query Design & Analysis
TBI20: Web Application Designer & Datawarehousing Fundamentals
TBI30: SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence with SAP BW
BW307: BW Web Application Designer
BW308: BW Protal Integration
BW309: BW Workbook design with BEx Analyzer